Metro Group is one of the largest manufacturers of ceramic tiles in India. It has an annual aggregate capacity of approximately 36 million square meters, distributed across 8 units, Mactile India Pvt. Ltd., Metropole Tiles Pvt. Ltd., Metrocity Tiles Pvt. Ltd., Metroworld Tiles Pvt. Ltd., Metrostar Tiles LLP, Metro Ceramics, Panda Ceramics, and Ceratec Global Industries are located in Morbi, Gujarat, India. All manufacturing units of Metro Group are equipped with cutting-edge technology and automated facilities, making Metro Group one of the best groups in the ceramic industry.
Di bawah bimbingan terkenal Tn. Shekhar Patel, Ketua & Direktur Pelaksana, MetroGroup, Siapa yang menetapkan moto yang jernih: 'Untuk mengatur tolok ukur keunggulan di pasar global', kami sejak saat itu tumbuh lebih kuat dengan kerja keras, inovasi, dan perlindungan dari pelanggan kami yang cerdas.